The Friends of California Libre...

25 February 2003

Mexican Flag Day

Greetings, many friends, First of all, did anyone see the MacNeil-Lehrer Report last night, where Elizabeth Farnsworth interviewed an Iraqi ...

20 February 2003

Ides of March

Greetings, many friends, This is a lengthy but action-packed screed. Things are moving along at a nice clip now. Our "coalition of the ...

14 February 2003


Greetings, friends, No screed for you today. If you're in L.A. come out to Hollywood or Long Beach tomorrow and we'll chat. Here...

10 February 2003

The Great Game

Greetings, friends, We are rapidly approaching a defining moment...not just for us, but the whole world. NATO is straining at the seams, and...

07 February 2003

STOOGES Still Kickin' Ass.....Literally

Greetings, I thought you rockers would enjoy this. "Dara" wrote: Ron called me early Monday morning at 2am to report this. Ron and...

04 February 2003

Cosmic Yell

Greetings, many friends, While inspiring so many grim flower-strewn memorials, the destruction of the Columbia is, at least, creating some d...

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