The Friends of California Libre...

19 December 2002

The Longest Night of the Year

Greetings, friends, Let me start off inspirational this time; most of you will be reading this on 20 December, the day before the Solstice a...

11 December 2002

Anti-"Christmas Is Jesus' Birthday"

Greetings, friends, As some of you witnessed, the Sunday after Thanksgiving is the Hollywood Christmas Parade, which after missing for ten y...

19 November 2002

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Screeds

Greetings, friends, Tonight was one of those weird nights when I think I'm living on an alien planet. I stepped off the bus near my apar...

14 November 2002

The Republic of California

Greetings, friends, The last election brought home a certain disconnect between them and us, eh? Feeling bad? Maybe it's time to start b...

05 November 2002

The Inmates Take Over the Asylum

Greetings, friends, Well, it's a great day for Amerika...maybe not so good for California. If you're curious, here's the results...

28 October 2002

The Angelic Mini-Screed

Greetings, Those crazy Angel fans are so sincere in their devil red, packing the streets down there in Anaheim and celebrating their first W...

23 October 2002

The Pro-Anti-Anti-Anti Screed

Greetings, many friends, Here's something scary just before the holiday. No, it's not war, death and destruction...someone else is s...

13 October 2002

Pre-Halloween Fright Night

Greetings, many friends, Let me start this out directly: where's all the money? I guess it's my fault for not LEANING on you more. I...

02 October 2002

The Last Screed Left Alive on Earth

Greetings, many friends, My, my, so much has happened, it makes you proud to be an American. In this screed I only touch on the digestible b...

16 September 2002

Happy Monday

Greetings, friends, Sometimes you get to see the glow around people, and those moments are to be treasured. For those who made an appearance...

11 September 2002

Wednesday Infamy

Greetings, friends, Well, we all know what day this is, don't we? That's's Roberta Hoffman's birthday. Everybody ...

13 August 2002

If You Oppose WAR on Iraq Emergency Bulletin

Greetings, friends, this one is short, but something about it appeals to my inner radical child, Hey Paul, by coincidence I received this th...

11 August 2002

The Early Warning

Greetings, friends. Yeah, just like last year. "Is it that time already?" Yeah, it's Sunset Junction in two weeks, and then in...

10 July 2002

Mother of All Screeds

Greetings, many friends, Thanks to a major reconfiguration of my address book, this is the "mother of all screeds"...many of you h...

19 May 2002

Vive le Screed!

Greetings, many friends, Before I depart for Europe, I have some select words of wisdom... "Bring us a pitcher of beer every seven minu...

01 May 2002

The Anti-Anti-Screed

Greetings, friends, Who needs to say a word when all your worst nightmares are on TV? No, it's not a punk rock lyric from the Eighties. ...

26 April 2002

The Armenian Genocide

Greetings, friends, Yah, Wednesday was the day we pay homage to the Armenian Genocide (that was in Turkey, folks) which set a really, really...

22 April 2002

Get Into the Screed, You Know You Do...

Greetings, friends, The screed returns, and not a moment too soon. As Cowboy Johnny used to say, the worm is turning. The Congress is gettin...

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