The Friends of California Libre...

28 March 2005

The Aztlan Will Rise Again Resurrection

Greetings, friends, Y'know, I haven't said anything about the whole Theresa Schiavo bullshit, but I think I will, since yesterday wa...

21 March 2005

The Persian Carpet Bomb

Greetings, friends, Every episode of "Mission: Impossible" makes me pine away for the good ol' days. Today our crack American ...

13 March 2005

The European Dream

Greetings, friends, Here's a nice long one I've been saving up for you. From "whither Canada", I've moved much further...

03 March 2005

Whither Canada? Part Deux

Greetings, friends, First of all, if you live in Canada and are wondering how this long, draggy message ended up in your inbox, you probably...

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