The Friends of California Libre...

24 November 2004

Have a Happy Redneck Thanksgiving

Greetings, friends, I remember one of the first really fun protests I went to was when Dianne Feinstein brought the USS Missouri into San Fr...

22 November 2004

What If It's Not a Dream and There's Nowhere to Hide?

Greetings, friends, First of all, this screed is now available as an RSS feed, at this address:

16 November 2004

Whither Canada?

Greetings, friends, This is a "limited edition" screed. I'm replying to some of you who've sent me the enclosed articles....

14 November 2004

Sorry Everybody?

Greetings, friends, If you haven't taken a look, try this website which I sent along last time: Thi...

13 November 2004

Long Live King Pig, King of the Pigs

Greetings, friends, I took some solace, other than the bottle, in a documentary recently about the legendary Joe Louis - Max Schmeling boxi...

07 November 2004

Welcome to the Way, Way Back Machine

Greetings, friends, And so, here we are, in the way, way back machine. How far back can we go? To the17th century, when a Puritan dictatorsh...

06 November 2004

Charlie Says: Do Not Despair

Greetings, dear friends, These are strange times we're living in. My answering machine and e-mail inbox are full of messages, some despe...

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