The Friends of California Libre...

30 May 2003

Dancing Like Your Life Depends

Greetings, many friends, For once I get to start out on an up-beat; The FCC is going free the way for the octopus to take over media in the ...

27 May 2003

The John Ashcroft Memorial Concentration Camp

Greetings, friends, First of all, for those in the LA area, you'll be glad to hear that I went out to see a movie tonight and KCRW *fin...

21 May 2003

Wag the Country

Greetings, friends, Hold the's a hot one for you. Remember Jessica Lynch, the Army private who was rescued from a hospit...

18 May 2003

Freedom's Just Another Word

Greetings, friends, Here's a nice long one for you...set aside some quiet time and enjoy. While the recent bombings in Saudi Arabia were...

11 May 2003

Ennui in the Face of Disaster

Greetings, friends, Along with this short screedlet I've enclosed a cartoon which sums up, pretty nicely, what I like and don't like...

05 May 2003

The Satanic Springs Eternal

Greetings, many friends, Although I had an amazing experience in Spain (which will be well-documented at a later time) it is always pleasant...

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