The Friends of California Libre...

28 October 2002

The Angelic Mini-Screed

Greetings, Those crazy Angel fans are so sincere in their devil red, packing the streets down there in Anaheim and celebrating their first W...

23 October 2002

The Pro-Anti-Anti-Anti Screed

Greetings, many friends, Here's something scary just before the holiday. No, it's not war, death and destruction...someone else is s...

13 October 2002

Pre-Halloween Fright Night

Greetings, many friends, Let me start this out directly: where's all the money? I guess it's my fault for not LEANING on you more. I...

02 October 2002

The Last Screed Left Alive on Earth

Greetings, many friends, My, my, so much has happened, it makes you proud to be an American. In this screed I only touch on the digestible b...

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