The Friends of California Libre...

25 July 2004

My Kind of Loyalty

Greetings, friends, With the Democratic Convention starting this week, my politically-active associates have been wondering aloud, "Who...

17 July 2004

Let Them Eat God on Bastille Day

Greetings, friends, A very subdued Bastille Day came and went here in Los Angeles...there was a sparsely attended event last weekend at Pan ...

13 July 2004

Hell in a Handbasket

Greetings, friends... No, the title of this Screed does not refer to Robert's old car. It's my poor state, which I just drove down. ...

09 July 2004

Canada Day Run Out of Everything

Greetings, friends, First of all, I'm pleased to announce that my poem "Perpetual Nicotine" (which some of you might remember....

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