The Friends of California Libre...

23 December 2006

The International Stonehenge of Mystery

Greetings, friends, That's right, as of 4.22 PM Thursday (Pacific time), the Earth passed its solstice with the Sun, and the North Pole ...

10 December 2006

Shopping for a New Earth

Greetings, friends, Like clockwork, Thanksgiving killed the Los Angeles summer even quicker than it did the Indians, and with the cold rain ...

15 November 2006

Happy Birthday Louise

Why not? Mary Louise Brooks, 14 November 1906 - 8 August 1985 "Most beautiful but dumb girls think they are smart and get away with it,...

11 November 2006

Today Is Your Armistice from the War on Terror

Greetings, friends, Let me apologize first...some of the illustrations in the last screed seem to have been "coopted" by the photo...

05 November 2006

Mid-Term Election Girl Power

Greetings, friends, What a strange year this has been...I'd say the weirdest for me since 2001, and two months to go. I know it's be...

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