The Friends of California Libre...

30 December 2004

New Year, New Earth

Greetings, friends, Since some of you have been probing my steel-trap mind for the details of the disaster around the Indian Ocean, I found...

29 December 2004

2005 Is Not the Second Coming

Greetings, friends, Well, this was supposed to be a good year for us, eh? We were gonna kick that dumkopf back to Texas and crawl back to p...

21 December 2004

Look Up, Look Down, Look All Around

Greetings, many friends, Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day (and longest night, heh heh, though why be smarmy because I'll ...

15 December 2004

Faster, Bush Rat, Kill Kill!

Greetings, friends, Anyway, I am glad at least one person noticed that Emil Jannings was NOT in "Pandora's Box" was Frit...

08 December 2004

Get Down On Your Knees and Beg for Euros

Greetings, friends, Just a quick note for my friends in Los Angeles; tonight (Thursday) is a rare screening of Dave Markey's "Desp...

02 December 2004

President Rat Is Coming to Town

Greetings, friends, I hope I wasn't the only one watching the MacNeill-Lehrer Report last night. They had three Canadians on to discus...

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