The Friends of California Libre...

29 July 2007

Romantic Full Moonlit Wasteland

Greetings, friends, Excuse me, but is it time for a full blown summer RANT?  Sorry, but I'm in one of my moods.  It's Saturday nigh...

21 July 2007

Bring Out the Brand New Guillotine

Greetings, friends, Thanks for all the replies to my request for a fax machine...although some of you seem mystified that I was asking for ...

09 July 2007

Frida Kahlo and Roger Federer Meet in Wonder Valley

Greetings, friends, First of all, the only other sport I don't play but love to watch, other than poker, is tennis. So congratulations t...

04 July 2007

What Blows Up Will Blow Back Before It Blows Over

Greetings, friends, First of all, a happy Canada Day to you, and if I don't get around to it, Bastille Day as well. Oh yeah, and let...

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