The Friends of California Libre...

27 December 2001

Happy Happy

Greetings, friends, If ever a year needed ending, this is it. I'll be toasting it 3 hours before many of you, so enjoy it. If you were i...

19 December 2001

Osama bin Hidin'

Greetings, friends, You're the lucky recipient of an honest-to-goodness news scoop, which you won't hear on any conventional news so...

12 December 2001

Runaway Tank

Greetings, friends, If I haven't forwarded a screed in a while, it's because I've been watching and waiting. With the "war...

11 November 2001

Afghanistan and the Reuters Photo

Greetings, friends, If you want to know more about Afghanistan, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan have a good site a...

03 November 2001

Trouble in Paradise

Okay, friends, here's some more food for thought. Back in the Sixties, Kenneth Anger (author of "Hollywood Babylon" and cultis...

28 October 2001

What's So Special About 11?

Greetings, distant friends, here's some words of encouragement. >From: >"Laughter is the best medicine...

20 October 2001

Modern Art Is Rubbish

Okay, friends, here's something that will really tickle you in the right spot:

14 October 2001


Greetings, friends, Okay, while we were worried about other things, here's one that slipped beneath the radar. Dig this idiot: (From Deu...

04 October 2001

The South Shall Rise Again

Greetings, friends, I can't stop watching all these exciting documentaries. Tonight all the product was strictly domestic, and some of y...

03 October 2001

More Strange News

Greetings, friends, Deutsche Welle showed lots of cute bits last night, including a expose on the town of Ulm, but not too much about the ...

30 September 2001

News from Abroad

Greetings, friends, I thought it might be reasonable to share some of the news from Europe, for those of you who don't have my fortunate...

08 February 2001

Here's That Nightly Inspiration You Requested...

No, this is not a chain letter, and you won't get good luck for sending it along to your friends. For those of you who work with kids, t...

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