The Friends of California Libre...

29 May 2013

The Rite of Spring...

One hundred years ago tonight, they were ripping out the seats in Paris, 29 May 1913.

27 May 2013


...dedicated to my ancestors who died in battle, 150 years ago, right or wrong: James Robert Champion (great-great-grandfather), 7 August ...

22 May 2013

Time Is a Crutch...

Hmm...what is stranger, that I was 7 years old in the top photo, or that the bottom photo is already 11 years ago?

20 May 2013

It's Only the End of the World Again...

...And again, again, again. Chris Hedges: Rise Up or Die - Truthdig

RIP Ray Manzarek...

How long has it been since we saw you having breakfast at the Beachwood Cafe and were too afraid to come over? How long since you produced ...

07 May 2013

RIP Ray Harryhausen...1920-2013...

...a dozen films that changed film as we know it.

06 May 2013

01 May 2013

A Millennial Manifesto for Marijuana Law Reform

Seriously?  Go kids! A Millennial Manifesto for Marijuana Law Reform

Happy May Day!

Cheers for Bealtaine!  Today is May Day, the Celtic holiday between the Spring equinoxe and the Summer solstice, and for Celts it is the fir...

30 April 2013

The Battle of Chancellorsville

150 years ago today...the Chancellorsville campaign began in northern Virginia.  Usually considered a high point in the career of General Ro...

25 April 2013

Let Them Eat Decay...

This link is truly lovely...and a statement of my philosophy that NATURE BATS fear not for the Earth, the Earth will shake us off,...

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