The Friends of California Libre...

30 June 2010

Boom Krasch Bang

Greetings, friends, It's that time of year again, when we're certain it's summer, the neighbors nearly blew up my car, all in t...

19 June 2010

Enjoy It While It Lasts

Greetings, friends, If you're in Los Angeles this next week, it's the Solstice...and our annual film festival .  If you have a free...

08 June 2010

Call Me Ish Kabibble

Greetings, friends, I've discovered a new diversion for myself when I have some time on my hands; there's a setting on my GPS that ...

12 February 2010

Time Waits for Newman

Greetings, friends, If you happen to be in LA this Saturday, it'll be something rather unpredicted, a housewarming, hosted by yours tr...

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