The Friends of California Libre...

13 August 2002

If You Oppose WAR on Iraq Emergency Bulletin

Greetings, friends,
this one is short, but something about it appeals to my inner radical child,

Hey Paul, by coincidence I received this the same day,
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 17:40:23 -0700
From: Matthew Thie
Subject: If you oppose WAR on iraq
Hello again, Okay, this one is even more important, Matthew Thie
------ Forwarded Message From:
Carol Hansen Grey (by way of Rafael J. Gonz�lez)
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 11:13:50 -0700
To: a mis amigos/to my friends
Subject: TS: Take Action on August 15

Dear Info-Action List Subscribers:
I received notice of this campaign from a couple of different WOVA members. It sounds like it might be a good approach to get President Bush's attention and to let him know that there are millions of Americans who oppose a war with Iraq.

ACTION: Send President Bush a postcard on Thursday, August 15th, asking him not to start another war. I have heard that the White House routinely ignores emails & calls, and that regular letters often don't get through in a timely manner because they are still being screened for anthrax, but post cards are not suspect for terrorist activity. Therefore, if millions of Americans mail our postcards on the same day, August 15th, it will have maximum impact. The important thing is to get the word out about the project. So, please forward this e-mail to all your friends and associates and perhaps we can reach millions of people within the next few days. If we each spend 23 cents and take a few minutes of our time to write a postcard and forward this to friends, perhaps we can HELP STOP A WAR!

Mail your postcard to:
President George W. Bush, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500. Be sure to include your name, city and state.
Only Love Prevails,
Carol Hansen Grey

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