Do They Know It's Valentine's Day?
Greetings, friends,
If you have a broadband connection (and excellent speakers), here is my belated Valentine's gift to YOU:
Only in the last week did I suss the awesome breadth of YOUTUBE, in that every music video from the late 1970s/early 1980s would be there, including the first appearance of the B-52s on "Saturday Night Live", which was a life-changing moment for me. Anyway, I've found almost 400 to share with you, and yeah, I did lose some sleep, but it was worth it to find such gems as Nina Hagen's first TV appearance (on an East German "youth show"!) singing "Du Hast den Farbfilm Vergessen" ("You've Forgotten the Color Film"), Corey Hart's stupid classic "Sunglasses at Night", "Jet Fighter" by the Three O'Clock, "Dirty Creature" by Split Enz, "Pale Shelter" by Tears for Fears, Plastic Bertrand's "Ca Plane pour Moi", "O Superman" by Laurie Anderson, "Eyes of a Stranger" by the Payola$, "Driver's Seat" by Sniff & the Tears, and "Kids in America" by Kim Wilde. Remember Chris & Cosey, Heaven 17, the Power Station, Naked Eyes and Aztec Camera? How about seeing the first televised concert by Altered Images in Glasgow (with darling Clare Grogan who taught me how to dance), or a rare clip of Madonna performing "Holiday" at the Hacienda Club in "Madchester"? I even stumbled into songs I'd never thought I'd HEAR again, forget see the videos, like "Echo Beach" by Martha & the Muffins, "Why Me" by Planet P and "Big Electric Cat" by Adrian Belew. Enough talk, now click PLAY ALL if you've got the nerve.
Going back 25 years (!!!!) I remember being obnoxious, ambitious, sexy. Now I'm just an old New Waver in Los Angeles, a city that has no respect for anything but youth and money. Sigh. If I were smart I'd be in Roquemaure, near Avignon, at the "kissing festival":
Or huffing Belgian helium:
Belgian Valentines to squeak of love
Enough self-pity, because like a real New Waver, I should know I've got it better than you, right? And so on with the SCREED... First of all, a big shout-out to Gavin Newsom, the soon-to-be former Mayor of San Francisco, who got busted this Valentine's for fucking his campaign manager's wife, "way to wreck your career!" I've got my fingers crossed that our pretty boy Mayor, "Tony" Villaraigosa is next.
Secondly, another shout to the Indianapolis Colts, who leveled Chicago's karma for pulling shit like this:
Bearly Civil
Photograph shows a Chicago Bears fan holding a crude sign at the 2006-07 NFC championship game.Okay, and as dark as things seem, I'm glad to tell you that no, World War III hasn't yet started (officially), the Supreme Court was not attacked, and one of our nuclear subs did not accidentally launch a missile. These are all headlines I noticed in spam, thanks to this insidious virus:
Storm Worm
Information about the "Storm Worm" computer virus.Not that reality isn't grim. Although I think we are not really into World War III, our idiot President is doing his best to light it up. No lack of trying on his part. We're stuck in Iraq like concrete, and we'll be stuck when Joe Biden or John Edwards or John McCain or some "minority" prez takes over in 2009:
White House Postponing Loss of Iraq, Biden Says
By Glenn Kessler
The Washington Post
War Could Last Years, Commander Says
The new American operational commander in Iraq said Sunday that even with the additional American troops likely to be deployed in Baghdad under President Bush's new war strategy, it might take another "two or three years" for American and Iraqi forces to gain the upper hand in the war.
Soldiers in Iraq View Troop Surge as a Lost Cause
By Tom Lasseter
McClatchy Newspapers
Warning Over Spiraling Iraq Refugee Crisis
By Matt Weaver and agencies
The Guardian UK
Powell Says US Losing in Iraq, Calls for Drawdown by Mid-2007
By Karen DeYoung
The Washington Post
US Not Winning War in Iraq, Bush Says for 1st Time
By Peter Baker
The Washington Post
They Told You So
By Paul Krugman
The New York Times
Remember a few SCREEDS ago, where I posted an article about how one Iraqi comedian pulled out some dark humor for a television show? Not any more:
Spoofer of Iraq's Chaos Becomes Another Victim
By Sudarsan Raghavan
The Washington Post
I've never been so unsatisfied at seeing a vicious dictator dangle:
An Execution That Will Do Nothing to Quell the Violence on Iraq's Streets
The Independent UK Editorial
Images of Hanging Make Hussein a Martyr to Many
By Hassan M. Fattah
The New York Times
But victory is just within our grasp:
US Finds Iraq Insurgency Has Funds to Sustain Itself
By John F. Burns and Kirk Semple
The New York Times
Insurgents May Have New Anti-Aircraft Weapon
By Ed Pilkington
The Guardian UK
Neighborhood by Neighborhood, Baghdad Descends Into Civil War
By Hannah Allam and Mohammed al Dulaimy
McClatchy Newspapers
Kissinger Says Victory in Iraq Is Not Possible
By Brian Knowlton
The New York Times
You can tell they love us as much as they loved Saddam:
Four Americans in Iraq Crash Shot in Head
By Qassim Abdul-Zahra
The Associated Press
Saudi Royals Snub Bush, Fund Opposition to US Troops
By Jeffrey Klein and Paolo Pontoniere
New America Media
Iraq's Premier Abruptly Skips a Bush Session
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg and Edward Wong
The New York Times
Instead of Peace in the Middle East, we let George W. Bush achieve something even the Nazis and the Japanese didn't dare dream of, wrecking the American Army:
A U.S. Army soldier receives a rude response after inquiring with an on-line retailer about shipments to APO addresses.Top US Surgeon in Iraq Killed in Crash
The Associated Press
Volunteer Force May Be "Severely Degraded" Soon, Retired General Says
By Leo Shane III
The Stars and Stripes
Despite a $168 Billion Budget, Army Faces Cash Crunch
By Greg Jaffe
The Wall Street Journal
They're forced to raise money more creatively:
Tucson Military Recruiters Ran Cocaine
By Carol Ann Alaimo
Arizona Daily Star
Plus Bush wiped out the militia, which hasn't happened since the Civil War:
Governors Lose in Power Struggle Over National Guard
By Kavan Peterson
And it took just as long:
Iraq Now Longer Than WWII
US Involved in Iraq Longer Than WW II
By Tom Raum
The Associated Press
US Toll in Iraq Surpasses That of 9/11
By Christopher Torchia
The Associated Press
And plenty more teenagers will get to die to prove the point:
US Plans Last Big Push in Iraq
By Simon Tisdall
The Guardian UK
Military Draft System To Be Tested
CBS News
Of course, who wouldn't love to be occupied by the United States for a decade or so? We're so benevolent; just look at how we treat each other:
Former US Detainee in Iraq Recalls Torment
By Michael Moss
The New York Times
Reservist Due for Iraq Is Killed in Standoff With Police
By Megan Greenwell
The Washington Post
Nope, we'll just go about our petty little business while Halliburton finishes the Death Star in the Green Zone:
While Iraq Burns
By Bob Herbert
The New York Times
Then all the dictatorships and puppet states in the Middle East get together on our nickel to plot the end of the world:
Iraq to Restore Long-Severed Relations With Neighbor Syria
By Nancy Trejos
The Washington Post
Iraq Edges Closer to Iran, With or Without the US
By Louise Roug and Borzou Daragahi
The Los Angeles Times
Unless we American geniuses set off World War IV first:
Neo-Cons Wanted Israel to Attack Syria
By Jim Lobe
Inter Press Service
The US-Iran-Iraq-Israeli-Syrian War
Robert Parry
Consortium News
Not even the Israelis are that blind:
Israeli, Syrian Representatives Reach Secret Understandings
By Akiva Eldar
Haaretz, Israel
Or our last allies, the British:
Iraq Is a "Disaster" Admits Blair
By Tim Shipman
The Daily Mail
Britain May Start Pulling Out of Iraq
By Jennifer Quinn
The Associated Press
UK to Cut 3,000 Troops From Iraq by May-Paper
And really, how smart are they?
Egg head? Breakfast tattoo for British teenager
The Bush Solution? Attack a country twice as large, with a viable navy, army, warplanes, submarines, etc. etc. First, provoke them:
Troops Authorized to Kill Iranian Operatives in Iraq
By Dafna Linzer
The Washington Post
UN Imposes First Sanctions on Iran's Nuclear Program
By Bill Varner
US Forces Storm Iranian Consulate
BBC News
Blowup? America's Hidden War With Iran
By Michael Hirsh and Maziar Bahari
Ignore the inconvenient truth:
Hersh: CIA Analysis Finds Iran Not Developing Nuclear Weapons
Agence France-Presse
Pace Demurs on Accusation of Iran
By Karen DeYoung
The Washington Post
Then push the button:
Iran Clock Is Ticking
By Robert Parry
Consortium News
US Able to Strike in the Spring
By Ewen MacAskill
The Guardian UK
US Could Bomb Iran Nuclear Sites in 2007
Agence France-Presse
Official Says US May Mull Pre-Emptive Iran Strike
By Adrian Croft
US Plans Envision Broad Attack on Iran: Analyst
Revealed: Israel Plans Nuclear Strike on Iran
By Uzi Mahnaimi, New York and Sarah Baxter, Washington
The Sunday Times
Pentagon Intensifies Pressure on Iran
By Jay Solomon
The Wall Street Journal
US Plans Military Buildup to Warn Iran
CBS News
US and Britain to Add Ships to Persian Gulf in Signal to Iran
By Thom Shanker
The New York Times
America "Poised to Strike at Iran's Nuclear Sites" From Bases in Bulgaria and Romania
By Gabriel Ronay
The Sunday Herald UK
The Europeans are backing away from this fiasco, but what will they do to prevent it?
Europe Resists US Push to Curb Iran Ties
By Steven R. Weisman
The New York Times
Before you let Bush push the button, see if you agree with any of this:
Message of H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, To the American People
By H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The Washington Post
Not that he isn't another fucking nutter looking for cheap publicity (thanks, Robert):
Subject: BBC NEWS Middle East Iran set for Holocaust conference
Iran, Living in the Mullahs' Shadow
By Sara Daniel
Le Nouvel Observateur
And guess what? He's paying the price, because Iran is just as much a democracy as Iraq, and more so than any other country in the Middle East:
Ahmadinejad Loses First Electoral Test as Political Rivals Win Key Seats
By Robert Tait
The Guardian UK
Ahmadinejad Opponents Leading Elections
The Associated Press
Ahmadinejad Opponents Win Elections
By Ali Akbar Dareini
The Associated Press
Like it or not, we've created a new world through our misadventures:
The New Middle East
By Richard N. Haass
Foreign Affairs
Now it's time to put on the brakes before another hundred thousand die:
The World Agrees: Stop Him
By Robert Scheer
Start Preparing Now for the Coming "Cataclysmic Fight to the Death"
By Jeremy Brecher and Brendan Smith
t r u t h o u t Guest Contributors
Finally, if you like the enclosed version of "The Last Supper" (starring James Woods and Robo Cop), then you'll find much more here:
Vive le screed!
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