The Friends of California Libre...

20 June 2007

Scream at the Librarian is Now Available!

Greetings, friends,
My first published book, Scream at the Librarian, is now available for purchase!  Please forward this e-mail to anyone who might be interested, and thank you!

You can order the book by clicking here:
or here:

If you haven't subscribed to the SCREED, you can do so my clicking in the link in the e-mail I sent you, or go to and fill in your name and e-mail address in the form near the top of the page.  Click on the left button or you'll cancel your subscription!

Best news of all...the Pinkberry is open at Rowena and Hyperion!

Just kidding...

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Just blogged about it, and bought a copy for myself.

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