The Night of the Living Dean Manifestation
Greetings, friends,
What an odd night, sitting here answering my e-mail while ash drifts down around my apartment, bits of trees and houses sixty miles away in the San Bernardino Mountains. Yes, it's a bad year again for that. We haven't had fires like this in ten years, but the entire unburnt face of the Angeles Crest is burning between Mount Baldy and Lake Arrowhead, and it's an amazing sight. There is a potential, unfortunately, for literally thousands of houses to be destroyed.
I have a question straight off: Have any of you seen "Raintree County" with Montgomery Clift and Elizabeth Taylor and if so, can you explain it to me? I can't figure it out for a minute. It had something to do with the Civil War.
If you are looking for something to do this Halloween in Los Angeles, two flyers are enclosed, and both events, I assure you, will flip you out. Although the Cacophony Society always puts on a good show, I am more likely to be found, yeah, out in Van Nuys, as I haven't seen Chris or Roberta in months.
You might get some other ideas from this website (you will need a broadband connection to really enjoy this Halloween Advent-style calendar). PS, doesn't allow you to cheat like a paper Advent calendar. Thanks, Katie, who contributed the only recipe I have ever seen that uses huitlacoche (a corn mushroom used in Central Mexico and the Southwest) and grits (click on the 21st):
This guy proves that stupidity is not easily cured:
Niagara Falls Jumper Warns Others Not to Try It
Hey, how'd this get in here? Anyway, I slipped you this rather dry article about the EU is making the US nervous:
** Defence: Atlantic or European? **
A row between the US and the EU has raised questions about the defence of Europe.
< >
And how the US is making the EU nervous (PS If you don't know about the "Great Game", then I suggest either "The Man Who Would Be King" by Rudyard Kipling, or brush up on Florence Nightingale and the causes of the Crimean War.)
The New Great Game
By Lutz Kleveman
The Guardian
The 'war on terror' is being used as an excuse to further US energy interests in the Caspian.
But wait, crime doesn't pay:
Police: Tricyclist Tried to Hijack Car
Or does it? I want to know if my friends Beth and Bill are defending this case:
Santa Cruz Woman Robs Bank, Waits for Police
Hey, how did this get in here? PS They just knocked over Bolivia, and they're our best chance as knocking over Ahhnold, so pay attention. Another very dry (but interesting) article:
Across the Americas, Indigenous Peoples Make Themselves Heard
By Héctor Tobar
Los Angeles Times
Yes, life is changing all over the globe this Manifest Destiny Halloween:
Risque Dutch Shows Disappearing From TV
And some people don't get it:
Embarrassed GM to Rename Car with Risque Overtones
Or want to get it:
What's in a Name? Everything When the Name is Butt
Unless they already "got it". This next article may mean little to Americans, but it was a big deal in Spain while I was there. Reporters in Spain have been holding a vigil in protest of this colleague's imagine that in front of NBC in Burbank, of CBS in West Hollywood, or ABC in...hey, that's down the street from ME:
Was Jose Couso's Death in Iraq a War Crime?
By Martine Silber
Le Monde
Who cares about blowing away a foreigner when you can destroy your own citizens?
Naming of Agent 'Was Aimed at Discrediting CIA'
By Edward Alden
The Financial Times
I mean, they won't fight back, will they?
Ex-agents: CIA leak a serious betrayal
C'mon, who care what they think?
Administration Faces Subpoenas From 9/11 Panel
By Philip Shenon
New York Times
Okay, here's a demonstration possibility coming up in two weeks. Check and see if your country is listed. I'll be updating this further.
> From: Behrad Nakhai
> Subject: [disc] Wall must fall: CALL FOR ACTION &
> The Palestine Monitor
> A PNGO Information Clearinghouse
> Make the wall fall : Lets make the 9th of November the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinians against the new Israeli Apartheid Wall
> October 2003
> The wall must fall!
> On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall which truly
> epitomized the Cold War in Europe and, therefore,
> became the symbol of shame of the politics of
> division of the 20th century - was torn down. Now, a
> new wall must fall!
> Lets make the coming 9th of November a worldwide
> Protest Day against the new BerlinWall currently
> being erected by Israel across the Occupied
> Palestinian Territories. Such construction, now
> commonly known as Separation Wall or Apartheid Wall
> has become Israels new stranglehold of Palestine
> and the latest assault by the Occupation: land
> confiscation, water confiscation, destruction of
> lives and livelihoods of Palestinians, all in a new
> drive to expand truly colonialist measures under the
> usual pretenses in order to achieve long-standing
> goals in a frightening fashion similar of 1948s
> events.
> Provisional list of activities on the initiative for
> a global demo on November 9th against the Israeli
> Apartheid Wall:
> A full week of initiatives - from the 2 till the 9
> of November and actions in the European Parliament
> , Bruxelles.
> Reference: Luisa Morgantini tel. 003222847151 - E-
> mail:
> Rio de Janeiro:
> Place: Largo das Neves, in Santa Teresa
> Informative outdoors exhibition of pictures, facts &
> figures, followed by poetry recital (poems by Mahmod
> Darwish) and, possibly, a choir recital (Coral de
> Maracatus)
> Contact: Andre Sena - e-mail:
> An Association working for Palestinian Rights in the
> Lausanee area is discussing a series of activities.
> Contact:
> Tatiana Honegger , near Lausanne, Switzerland
> IN Zurich:
> Shraga Elam
> Los Angeles
> WOMEN IN BLACK , together with Palestine AID
> SOCIETY, are organizing a huge demonstration for
> November 9th. They are hoping to erect a large wall
> at Venice or Santa Monica Beach, with lots of
> publicity and many other groups and individuals
> joining.
> Contact: Mary
> San Francisco- groups still getting organized to be
> to do "something" by Nov 9.
No Cure for Songs Stuck in Your Head
It's a big world, right?
Unless we blow the shit out of it:
israel nuclear missiles pointed at iran
Hi: You may want to check out this site:
See (some of) you this Halloween!
Vive le screed!