The Super Whatever
Greetings, friends,
Perhaps, to take the edge off, some of you would be interest in these two short films this Friday? C-Level is off an alley in Chinatown.
"Gringoton" (Gringo-thon)
by Greg Berger
"We Interrupt This Empire..."
by SF V.A.N./Whispered Media
Friday October 10th, 8:00 pm, c-level
for directions go to
GRINGOTON, 17 min.
On the streets of Mexico City a misplaced gringo begins selling chewing gum and washing windows to raise money for a guerrilla army to take out Bush. An off kilter film, egually a study of Mexico City street life, a personal statement about war, and a subtle meditation on the complexities of "gringo" identity in an American continent whose millions of inhabitants misunderstand each other.
On March 2O, 2003, a war began... in San Francisco. "We Interrupt This Empire..." is a collaborative work by many of the Bay Area's independent video activists which documents the direct actions that shut down the financial district of San Francisco in the weeks following the United States' invasion of Iraq. This film has been selling out theaters, and with its priceless footage and analysis of the shutdown is not to be missed.
"..this is the best damn doc I've seen on the local face of what
might have been the largest anti-war movement in world history."
Craig Baldwin of Other Cinema
This will be a free event.
The bulk of this screed will take place far, far away from California.
Although I promised not to compare Iraq to Vietnam (a comparison which I do not believe is merited), others continue to do so:
Welcome to Vietnam, Mr. President.
Sorry you didn't go when you had the chance.
By Max Cleland
And how about this for a big waste of money:
Officials Say Bush Seeks $600 Million to Hunt Iraq Arms
By James Risen and Judith Miller
The New York Times
It'll take a lot more than that to undo the damage done by us and Saddam Hussein:
The Unbuilding of Iraq
By John Barry and Evan Thomas
More vitriol from our military, who are taking the brunt of Mr. Bush's War:
Rank and Bile
By Eric Boehlert
G.I.'s speaking out, angry vets signing petitions, generals attacking him. George Bush's once-rosy relationship with the military is turning sour.
George is running out of friends:
The United Nations Refuses to Help George Bush in Iraq
By Luc de Barochez
Le Figaro
Even the CIA, our favorite "spooks", have turned on our leader:
Slain CIA Agent's Dad Calls Leak Treason
By Devlin Barrett
The Associated Press
Attorney General Is Closely Linked to Inquiry Figures
By Elisabeth Bumiller and Eric Lichtblau
The New York Times
'Slime and Defend'
By Paul Krugman
The New York Times Opinion
Leak of Agent's Name Causes Exposure of CIA Front Firm
By Walter Pincus and Mike Allen
Washington Post
Meanwhile, Mr. Bush and the Israelis are turning up the heat on Syria and Iran, two countries with a lot more firepower than the Iraqis ever had. Deep policy wonks might find this interview with the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mr. Kharrazi, to be very interesting:
Q&A With Iranian Foreign Minister
The Israelis have an easy answer for all Arab and Persian troubles; bomb them:
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Israel considers Iran nuke strike
Israel's defense forces are raising the prospect of an operation to destroy Iran's suspected nuclear weapons program.
In contrast I present the statement of Cyrus, the Persian emperor who freed the Jews in Babylon, allowed them to return to Jerusalem and even financed the reconstruction of the Temple, upon the conquest of Babylon. This is often cited as the first written document regarding human rights in the history of our sorry species:
And now for something completely different...the sudden shocking realization that being environmental sound actually SAVES money:
Study Finds Net Gain From Pollution Rules
By Eric Pianin
Washington Post
OMB Overturns Past Findings on Benefits
A new White House study concludes that environmental regulations are well worth the costs they impose on industry and consumers, resulting in significant public health improvements and other benefits to society. The findings overturn a previous report that officials now say was defective.
For those of you who are missing your days at Burning Man, I say, Burning Man has been going on for 30 years in Southern California:
October 6-12 - go to for info on the Annual Joshua Tree Didgeridoo Festival. The best didgers in the world will be jamming at the Integratron Saturday & Sunday during regular tour hours.
October 11 - check out the Wild West Coyote Fest in Joshua Tree right at the corner of Hwy 62 & Park Blvd! This is a high desert arts & music experience featuring live entertainment all day on our outdoor stage. Come see the best local musicians including Dick Dale and Concrete Blonde. For more info go to
Unplugged Goddess Fasting Retreat
Saturday & Sunday November 1st & 2nd 2:00pm to 2:00pm
"People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out,
but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed ONLY if there is a light from within." Elizabeth Kübler-Ross
The Unplugged Goddess Fasting Overnight Retreat is designed for busy women who seek the maximum rejuvenation and relaxation in the shortest amount of time. We laugh, rest, dance, and gain back all that we have given. The retreat includes:
* Lots of Sound Baths
* Specially blended medicinal teas (Unplugged, Dream & Rejuvenation), organic fruit
* Rejuvenation meditation, ancient practices for healing and clearing
* Recapitulation in the Kiva
* Rest and relaxation, hot tubbing
The environment includes an oasis of eucalyptus trees, fruit/nut trees, organic grapes, pool, hot tub and a sky overflowing with stars in the quiet, expanded Mojave Desert.
Goddesses sleep slumber-party style inside the Integratron in order to take advantage of its powerful healing and rejuvenation energies. (or bring a tent) Deadline for registration: October 28th Cost is $88 (Bring four goddess friends and you come free!).
Thank you for all your emails and calls of encouragement. We look forward to seeing you here again soon.
Shine On!
The Integratron Alliance
Nancy Karl
Joanne Karl
Tim Howard
Barbara Lindsey
The Integratron is owned and operated by The Integratron Alliance, a secret, visionary, multidimensional organization with contactsss, dedicated to the preservation and continuing research and development of the Integratron while creating heaven on Earth and a piece of apple pie with everyone.
2477 Belfield Blvd.
Landers, CA 92285
760 364 3126
Wilkommen aus neue Osterreich!
Vive le Screed!